There are so many opportunities to get involved with the Booster Club to support your children and the BCE teachers and staff. Below is an overview of each role:


  • Classroom Parents: Classroom parents are volunteers who work in conjunction with the Booster Club, other parents in their homeroom as well as the other grade level classroom parents to support their teacher(s). Responsibilities vary by grade and typically include coordinating gifts, organizing class events and parties, and sharing information about school events and volunteer opportunities with the other parents in the class. For additional information, visit our Classroom Parent page.


  • Library Volunteers: Help weekly (preferred) or bi-weekly (following this year's A/B weekly rotation schedule) when your child's class comes to the library. Duties include setting out name tags, checking-in and re-shelving returned books, assisting students in finding books, checking-out new books, renewing current books, placing holds as necessary, and tidying up the library after each class to prepare for the arrival of the next class. 


  • Yearbook Photographer: Attends classroom events and fields trips to take pictures (smart phone photos are fine) to share with the yearbook team, ensuring each student in the class is included.


Volunteer sign up forms by grade level are posted on our Volunteer Opportunities page.


EVENT PLANNING The BCE Booster Club hosts a number of various events throughout the year including Family Bingo Night, a Fall Carnival, Culture Fest, a Drive In Movie, the Science Fair, a Little Ladies and Loved Ones Dance, a Son +1 Glow Party, Blue Jay Bash (an adult evening out), Staff Appreciation Week, and more. For each of these events, our outstanding committee chairs need assistance from a small group of parent volunteers to plan the logistics of the event. These committees begin meeting regularly months prior to the event. 



Dad's Club is comprised of a group of dads who provide support and assistance to our school, teachers and staff. Our dads meet periodically at the school to help with various tasks such as landscaping, assembling furniture, fixing various broken items, moving furniture, painting, etc. The Dad's Club is a great way to get involved and meet other dads. If you're interested in joining, sign up on the committee form or contact Stuart Vardaman at


Committee sign-up forms are available on our Volunteer Opportunities page.


During the event planning, committees will determine the volunteer roles needed immediately leading up to, during, and directly after the event. These types of positions include assisting with setup/take down and running tables or stations during the event. Positions are usually divided into shifts or specific time intervals and there are typically dozens of opportunities available.  


If you would like to be sure to get information about volunteer opportunities for a specific event, sign up on the Event Execution Volunteer from available on our Volunteer Opportunities page. Committee chairs will reach out to this list first before opening positions at large.


Links to sign up for specific event positions will be posted several weeks prior to the event Volunteer Opportunities page.


The BCE Booster Club Board is comprised of a small group of volunteers to meet regularly to carry out the operating functions of the Booster Club. Roles include co-presidents, a vice president, secretary, and treasurer, in addition to committee leads. Board committees include, communications, community and school culture, volunteers, and the Blue Jay Spirit Store. Click here to meet the 2023-2024 Board. If you're interested in joining, please contact Co-Presidents Kendra Hendrix and Nancy Rocha at


Not seeing a role or position you're interested in? Complete this Google Form to let us know a little bit more about you and your volunteer preferences or contact our 2023-2024 Booster Club co-presidents ( to determine how you can help.


Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.