Jennifer Dusek Named BCE Principal

Author: Abby Chalmers

Date: 6/27/2023 2:30 pm

Dear Barton Creek Elementary Community:


After soliciting input from teachers, staff, parents and community members through a survey asking what characteristics they feel are important in our next principal, we are pleased to announce Ms. Jennifer Dusek, current longtime Valley View Elementary Principal, has accepted my appointment to become the next principal of Barton Creek Elementary. Ms. Dusek will be recommended to the Eanes ISD Trustees for formal approval as BCE’s new principal at the Board’s May 23 public meeting.


Ms. Dusek has been a beloved mainstay at VVE, making a lasting impact on hundreds of families over the years. Now her legacy will extend to BCE for future generations. 


Shortly after Ms. Phelps privately informed me of her expected resignation, Tiffany suggested I speak with Jennifer about this possibility. When I had a conversation with Jennifer, I was delighted she would consider a new opportunity. We reviewed and carefully reflected on all the community and staff feedback we received, and this confirmed our inclination. We believe Jennifer exemplifies the desired qualities expressed in the surveys and feedback, especially an emphasis on experience and strong leadership. She has a vision for student learning and staff development, and her passion for working collaboratively with all stakeholders to support education is extraordinary. 


Jennifer has been in Eanes ISD 19 years, serving as VVE principal for 18 years. She began her Eanes ISD career in 2003, serving Cedar Creek, Eanes and Valley View elementaries as a special education administrator. Prior to Eanes, Ms. Dusek was a teacher in Comal ISD and Hays CISD and principal three years in Hays CISD.


Ms. Dusek is passionate about creating an energetic and inclusive learning environment where all students feel valued and supported. She is committed to collaborating with teachers, staff, parents and community members to foster a culture of academic excellence and social-emotional well-being. Her expertise, enthusiasm and dedication to student success make her an excellent fit for BCE.

Pending Board approval, we are excited to welcome Ms. Dusek to the BCE community and look forward to the positive impact she will have on our students, staff and families. She will begin visits to BCE immediately with a welcome reception to be announced before the end of this school year.

Please join me in extending a warm welcome to Ms. Dusek. I am confident she will help the BCE community continue to THRIVE.



Dr. Jeff Arnett
Superintendent of Schools


Ms. Jennifer Dusek 


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