Kinder Round Up

Author: Abby Chalmers

Date: 3/24/2023 6:47 pm


Rising Kindergarteners will be welcomed in the entry hallway of BCE and will get a nametag and continue with their parents to the cafeteria. After all families have arrived, students will be divided into "classes*" for the morning and will get to:
  • Visit a kindergarten classroom
  • Participate in a craft in the classroom
  • Enjoy a snack
  • Ride a bus! 
While the students are enjoying their morning as a future Blue Jay, parents will stay in the cafeteria to hear from BCE's Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselors, School Nurse, Booster Club, and EEF. We'll then divide into smaller groups and parents will enjoy a volunteer-led school tour (~15-20min). At the end of the tour, parents will be reunited with their children in the cafeteria.
* The teachers leading each "class" are current BCE kinder teachers but are NOT guaranteed to be your child's assigned kinder teacher for the next school year.


Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.