Every Blue Jay Belongs - General Booster Club Meeting - Friday, January 27th at 8:00 a.m.

Author: Abby Chalmers

Date: 1/24/2023 12:00 am


One of the best pieces of advice I've been given in my career as a principal was "when things get tough, get out of your office and spend time with the kids".  Today, I took that advice.  I got a lot of hugs, saw our incredible teachers engaging with their students, and admired work hung on the walls.  This particular creation stuck out to me.  Sometimes the simple words from our children can have the most significant impact. 


"I have a dream...

That everyone is accepted

That everyone is living in peace

That everyone is loved

That everyone is kind

That everyone is helpful. 

That everyone is nice

That everyone is respectful."  


We want all of our students to feel safe, welcomed, and have a sense of belonging. In the work above, this student perfectly articulates the culture we strive to create at BCE and what we expect.  We would like to invite you all to our next booster club meeting on Friday, January 27th at 8:00 a.m. This will be an opportunity to learn more about where we have been, what we are doing now, and where we plan to go to ensure Every Blue Jay Belongs. 


RSVP HERE to have your Raptor Badge pre-printed and expedite the check-in process. If you have not previously had your driver's license scanned in through our "Raptor System," you will need to bring it with you to complete the check-in process.


Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.