Culture Fest Scheduled for Nov. 18, Volunteers Needed

Author: Abby Chalmers

Date: 10/12/2022 1:49 pm

Join us to celebrate the different ways movement, sports, and games bring people together around the world. Students will explore displays in the "Global Village," watch a school-wide performance by Aztec dancers, and rotate through different activities with their class.


Interested in Helping? Click Here to Sign Up

  • Read a book aloud to individual classes (K-2) - intro video and book will be provided
  • Facilitate a game for individual classes with other volunteers (K-5) - directions and materials will be provided
  • Create a display (focused on movement, sports, or games) for the Global Village
  • Guide kindergarteners as they explore and learn from the Global Village displays


Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.